Friday, May 30, 2008

How to Find the Best and Cheapest Homeowners Insurance

What is homeowners insurance actually? According to Wikipedia it is an insurance policy that combines insurance on the home, its contents, and, often, the other personal possessions of the homeowner, as well as liability insurance for accidents that may happen at the home. The cost of homeowners insurance scales upward depending on what it would cost to replace the house, and which additional "riders", meaning additional items to be insured, are attached to the policy. The insurance policy itself is a lengthy contract, and names what will and what will not be paid in the case of various events. Typically, claims are not paid due to earthquakes, 5B4floods, "Acts of God", or war (whose definition typically includes a nuclear explosion from any source). Special insurance can be purchased for these possibilities. (Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 2001-2006)

Fire, tornadoes, wind damage and hail are just a few of the things that can cause thousands of dollars in damage to your home. Maintaining homeowners insurance is the best way to protect yourself from potentially costly damages and loss to your home. In this article well look at some tips on finding the best, cheapest policy such coverage.

You can find the tools to a get a homeowners insurance quote online through many different insurance companies. Many of these quotes will base their rating factors off of where you live, crime statistics, value of your home, age of your home and previous claim history on property you currently own or have owned within the last 5 years. Unlike other types of insurance, rates for homeowners insurance tend to be pretty close to one another since many insurers base their ratings on the same factors.

You can save money on this type of policy by choosing to purchase your policy with an insurer who you already do business with as most companies offer multi-policy discounts. In addition, upgrading some of the protection features of your home like adding a security system can reduce your rates by as much as 30% in some areas. Your agent can give you detail517s on different types of discounts available for your particular situation.

As with any type of insurance, be sure to choose a reputable company that maintains a strong rating and financial standing. No matter how cheap a policy may be it is worthless if the company folds and cannot pay claims when a major disaster strikes.

Marvin Toller likes to write Informative Homeowners Insurance Articles . You can go to for more.

Framing Basement Walls

Going Green - Laundry Tips, Green Commutes and UV Air Purifiers

Great ideas for going green start with a little effort. It is time for families to get together and learn how to adapt to a new way of thinking - Eco thoughts.

Water Problem Areas

Sunday, May 25, 2008

No Money Down - How To Buy Property With Nothing Down

If you have ever watched TV after about 11:30 at night, you've seen people talking about courses on buying real estate with no money down. They show vacation paradises, gorgeous girls, fancy cars, and huge mansions. All of this is promised to you if you buy their course on making a million with nothing! If you want you can spend "only three payments of $99.99" to find out about this exciting area...OR...I'll just tell you for FREE!

One thing I must mention first, however, is that ANY information, combined with NO action, produces NO result. If I came over to your house and showed you everything in person and answered all of your questions, and then you did was a waste of time. Yours and mine!! On the other hand, if you combine information with hard work, persistence and, most of all, GUTS, you will be successful, whether you buy the courses, read the books for free at the library, or get the information from me, right here!

I mentioned GUTS because there's a price to be paid for everything. If you had a million dollars, you could buy an apartment building without hardly any difficulty. Just pick out one that you liked, had a good return, and passed a building inspection.

If you DON'T have a million dollars, what are you to do? Well get ready for some hard work, searching for the right deal. Get ready to have a whole slew of offers rejected, and maybe even laughed at. Get ready to hear some pompous real estate agent tell you (as one told me) "Son, I've been in the real estate business for thirty years now, and let me tell you, there's no such thing as a no money down deal." Get ready to work on a deal and spend time on it only to have it collapse.

You're going to put in your down payment in the form of "brain sweat equity". You're going to pay by acquiring more knowledge than others in the area of creative real estate, and by searching long and hard to find MOTIVATED sellers, ones who want to get rid of their properties desperately and therefore are willing to help you out. Most of all, you're going to pay by enduring the inevitable "start-up glitches" that ANY business or enterprise has. If it was easy to do, then everybody would be doing it, and there would be no properties left! It is this difficulty that makes it EASY, once you know what you are doing!!

OK, so here we go, but first you need to know ONE thing: IN REAL ESTATE EVERYTHING IS NEGOTIABLE!! Let me say that again, because it is the linchpin of the way creative real estate works--in real estate EVERYTHING is negotiable!

What does that mean? Are there any boundaries? NO!! Can you get someone to carry an agreement for sale for 25 years with little or no money down and no credit check? YES!! Are there ten ads in the paper offering just such an agreement, or one? Probably none! What does that mean? EVERYTHING is negotiable! If you find a motivated seller, one who is paying every month to own 5B4that property, one who doesn't have the skills to fix it up, one who moved out of town, or the country, then he MIGHT go for it! Notice that I did not say WILL go for it, but MIGHT!

Think of yourself when you had a car that you wanted to get rid of, because it was a piece of junk. If someone approached you and asked "how much?", you'd say "$1000, firm". But you knew deep inside that you just wanted to get rid of the headache!! And if you ever had to wait for a month or two with no one buying your car, suddenly you were not quite so firm on the price! And if the alternator had to be replaced before the car could run, pretty soon you just wanted it OUT of your hands!! NOW, you're ready to accept monthly payments, maybe hold something as security, etc. You just want it GONE!

It is the same with real estate properties! They go from being our pride and joy to an albatross around our necks--then we're ready to do WHATEVER it takes to get rid of it!

These people aren't going to jump up and down and say "I'm willing to take a no money down deal for my property"! They are going to be depressed, just like the fellow with a clunker in his back yard, sitting there for months. They are going to need some convincing, but if you find the "DON'T WANTER", the most difficult part is done! Then you make offers, look closely at each property to see if you can make a go of it (that's a whole other report!) if you can get the property--some5B4times you don't want it either! Then it is just a matter of making offers, either in person, or through a realtor, until you find someone who is

ready to deal. The first time is the hardest, because no matter how many times I tell you (or the TV guys) that it CAN be done, you are going to think "not for me, not here in __________, not any more, not with my areas laws and zoning regulations, not with my personality, not with my brains, etc."

Don't you believe it! Look at all the people in the TV commercials-all types and shapes-they have ONE thing in common--they went out and DID IT!


Here's the "stream of consciousness" of ideas on how to buy with $000.00 down, but keep in mind the whole time that IN REAL ESTATE EVERYTHING IS NEGOTIABLE!

1) The simplest way to buy with no money down is to get the seller to carry an agreement for sale. Monthly payments for 25 years are possible if the seller has no need for the money, and can be convinced to get his 6,7,8% return secured by his house instead of buying a 4% bond.

2) If you have good credit and want to put no money into a property, try a first mortgage, Vendor carries a big second for remainder. Seller gets , say 75%, and carries 25%.

3) Again with good credit, try first, smaller 2nd, and a Personal Line of Credit for remainder--especially if the gap is only $10-15,000. This can even work for low p5B4riced properties where the first mortgage is combined with a PLC for the remainder--be smart enough to go to another bank for PLC and tell them that you're going to make an invstment with money--and don't tell ANY bank that you're doing a no money down deal!

4) Payment over time-seller wants $5,000 down, for example. How about $400 per month for a year? You're still paying it, but over time-maybe the property will generate enough extra money to pay this!

5) Back taxes-I've done deals where I've taken over back taxes due--you can pay them off at your own speed, within reason!

6) Free rent-I've done deals where the seller had office space in the building and took 2 years free rent as down payment! Can also work for multi family.

7) Upon closing there are adjustments for that months rent--close on the 2nd or 3rd to maximize this-and for damage deposits, taxes to be paid for the period owned by seller, utility bills to be paid, etc. These can add up to a large amount!

8) Since the bank starts mortgage payments one month from closing, simply by paying an interest adjustment of 2 weeks allows you to use the first months rent and apply the second months rent to the mortgage payment.

9) Borrow on insurance policy, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc. If you allow the bank to secure the collateral they will be very accommodating.

10) Rack up your Visa, Mastercard and American Exp15E8res cards. A bit crazy, but I assume its a great investment!

11) Borrow from friends, relatives, boss (holiday pay?) Maybe even cut them in as partners!

12) Partners are a surefire way to get accepted for big bank loans, create enough down payments, etc. Always look for people who are interested in this area, and ask them what prevents them from buying investment properties. If its time, expertise, etc--then you have a fit! All that's preventing you is money--and you have found this great property haven't you?

13) Syndicate a group of people--say 9 investors and you get the last tenth for putting together the project--they will provide the financial strength for the loan, and maybe even the down payments! Anything is possible, remember? This is a lot of work to find these people, but VERY lucrative! Start with dentists and doctors, lawyers, everyone that you deal with!

14) Rent to buy--maybe you make payments for 3 years and then have built up the downpayment--meanwhile the property can go up in value, rents rise, and so on.

15) Option to buy--Seller keeps title and gets all revenue. You simply pay a sum for the right (make it REALLY legal!) to purchase the property at a certain sum in X years. There could be a trade for this option, example trade an item or service for the option.

16) Lets make trading an item or service for down payment its own idea!

17) Foreclosure property--maybe just before it goes into foreclosure you offer to keep up the payments and give seller SOMETHING, SOMETIME for his equity. (In a short while he's not getting anything!) Lots of work, lots of books and announcement services available.

18) Fix up damaged property--work deal with bank--example: as is it's worth $75,000, with clean up and fix up its worth 100,000--bank offers 75,000 mortgage based on future value--you have to do fix up--similar to sweat equity.

19) Lease property (ie an office building) from owner and sub lease it to tennants--must be very legal and usually needs strong rent up effort!

20) Pay someone to cosign for a loan

21) Get realtor to carry his commission as a note--they HATE this, but if its needed..

22) Balloon payment--nothing down, balance due in three years

23)Private money from mortgage brokers--ask them about it! High rate of interest, but..

24) Refinance property either before you assume it, or after

25) Find a partner where he takes writeoff for negative cash flow and you manage property--this can even work with buying your personal residence--investor is happy with $200 per month negative cash flow in return for your taking care of property, always a tennant (you) and investor splits profit when selling.

That's going to be enough to start some gears running in your head. The most important part is to keep trying, and to be creative. Combining parts of one idea and another, and always probing for what the seller wants will lead you to solutions. Always probe for ways to make both of you happy. Everyone wants all cash, right now--not everyone gets it! Think of the junker car in the back yard and look for ways to HELP the other person--they want to sell!

Most of all, keep looking! It is not a failure on your part if someone is clinging to the hope that they'll get a certain price, or certain terms. If they can-great!! If not, check back in a few months. Many properties are still sitting there and with a MUCH more receptive seller after they have the property "sitting in their backyard, rusting" (or racking up negative cash flow and maintenance and property management headaches). Try and try again!

Check online for new info and more opportunities, network with other investors, ads can be used to signal what you are looking to find, partners wanted, etc. Go to your public library for more real estate and business information. Keep your mind working and searching--keep looking for properties and more information--one idea can be worth a fortune to you --go to seminars when they come to your town--and the total adds up to the "Eureka!" screamed in the middle of the night.

Buying with a low down payment is obviously much easier than buying with absolutely nothing down, so be sure to save up your money to make it easier for you. Even a no money down deal can require cash for legal fees, closing costs, etc.

Best of luck!

Andrew Larder

Creative Real Estate Investing With Low Or No Money Down

To receive free info on no or low money down real estate investing, visit: Free Creative Real Estate Investing Newsletter

Seamless Metal Roofing

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Naturally Treat Osteoarthritis - 6 Tips To Cure Arthritis With No Medication

In America alone, an estimated 70 million people suffer from the debilitating effects of some form of arthritis or joint pain. Most of the sufferers will seek out expensive medical treatment offering nothing more than harsh side-effects but millions will allow the disease to run its course and make life miserable. But living with it does not have to leave you unable from doing the things you love. In fact, I have 70+ year old customers who write me every week and share how their arthritis is not a problem anymore. But just how did they do it and what's their secret?

Osteoarthritis- Is it ruining your life?

There are many different forms but the most common form is called osteoarthritis. The most common form affects over 60 million Americans. Osteoarthritis typically effects people who are 35 years of age and older. As a person becomes older, the pain appears after years of wear and tear on the joints between the bones, which is why it is called the 'degenerative joint disease'. Due to the repeated movement and weight upon the joint, the cartilage begins to break down causing inflammation and pain. Because of the nature of the problem, symptoms become worse and worse over time with use of joints. Normally, it begins at the knees and works its way up to the hips, fingers, spine and more (typically any joint bearing weight or strain).

Does this sound like you and your experience? If so, there is hope to treat it and actually rebuild the cartilage between the joints.

Stop Taking Medication

Medication and treatment varies from patient to patient, and is often a band-aid for the ailment. Let me explain! Doctors often prescribe expensive medications for the sufferer to hide the pain. The problem with hiding the pain is that the degeneration of the joint cartilage continues to occur even if the brain does not register the pain because of the meds. As the pain is hidden, the joint becomes more and more damaged and disfigured. The band-aid of medication is simply a remedy for disaster.

But you can start to naturally treat osteoarthritis with your nutrition, vitamins, supplementation and simple exercises. And you can save hundreds to thousands of dollars each year in the process.

Naturally Treat Osteoarthritis with 6 tips!

Researchers have been studying numerous primitive tribes who live solely off the land. Perplexed by their extraordinary health, researchers are studying why these tribes have better health than developed countries? These tribes have documented no heart disease as well as it being unheard of. In fact, members of these communities will work right up to the day of their death (usually around 100 years of age). How could this be? Could it be because members of the community have never eaten a bite of processed food? These natives have NOT eaten one additive in any of their meals. (An average American eats hundreds of additives each day.) In fact, all of their meals are fresh and spoil in weeks if not eaten. And finally, they live an active life. And you can do the same thing... even if you are 70 years YOUNG!

Here is a list of tips to naturally treat osteoarthritis!

1.Did you know that 80% of the world's population is walking around dehydrated? Instead of drinking water we have become consumers of soda, tea, coffee, juices or anything with flavor. Unfortunately, most of these drinks (containing caffeine) cause your body to lose water and create a vicious cycle of dehydration and poor health. As water drains the toxin and impurities of your body, it will also begin to naturally treat the symptoms of osteoarthritis. You should start drinking at least 10-12 tall glasses of water a day.

2.A body flush! Did you know that fasting and flushing the body is biblical. It is actually commanded to routinely fast for spiritual and physical purposes in the Bible. And it will also greatly help you in your struggle. It would be recommended to take a monthly fast (drinking only water or natural juices) to naturally flush the body of arthritic causing alkalines. Your body will thank you!

3.Your nutrition! Your diet is the biggest factor contributing to whether you will struggle or be free of it. A good rule of thumb is to always eat fresh, raw foods with as little of processing as possible. You should be eating as much water-soluble fiber as possible which includes: fresh fruits and raw vegetables.

4.Foods that Hurt! These types of foods will create havoc to your pain and inflammation. Stay away from fast foods, processed foods, sugars and desserts. Do your best at finding healthy foods and you will notice a difference in 2 weeks.

5.Breathing! I know it sounds goofy to focus on your breathing but oxygen heals. And unfortunately, most people are not getting enough of it because of improper posture and stress. To learn some simple breathing exercises you can do at work, please check out our website which will lead you to our step-by-step report.

6.And exercise! If you are serious about treating arthritis; we guarantee that you will be feeling good enough to start exercising in three weeks. And exercise will eventually take stress off of joints by building muscle mass.

What is Your Choice?

Are you serious about treating your osteoarthritis? Do you want to feel like you are 30 again? Do you want to know what supplement can actually rebuild your joint cartilage so you feel like a 20 year old?

If you are ready to naturally treat osteoarthritis, please visit our website to see how our step-by-step natural treatment might be a right solution for you. And if you are in the least bit hesitant, we will also guarantee our treatment to treat it or you do not pay a cent. So stop paying hundreds to the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry which gives you a band-aid. Start curing it naturally by visiting our website and joining the thousands who have discovered the cure!

Joe Barton writes for Barton Publishing which is a leading natural health company with a specialization to naturally treat osteoarthritis. To learn more about our 100% arthritis-free guarantee, please click below. Naturally Treat Osteoarthritis

White 2 X 2 Stair Handrailing

Coping with Breast Cancer

How does an average woman react to the terrifying diagnosis of breast cancer? Many women go through several psychological steps in learning how to deal with breast cancer.

First, there is shock. Particularly when you're relatively young and have never had a life-threatening illness before; it's hard to believe you have something as serious as cancer. It's all the more difficult to believe because, in most cases, your body hasn't given you any warning at all. Unlike, for example, appendicitis or a heart attack, there's no pain or fever or nausea - no symptom that tells you something is going wrong inside. You or your doctor have found this painless little lump, or your routine mammogram shows something peculiar - and the next thing you know, your doctor is telling you you've got breast cancer. Many women say this is the worst part of the journey. The initial shock can leave you feeling confused and not sure how to proceed. Along with the shock, there's a feeling of anger at your body, which has betrayed you in such an underhanded fashion. In spite of the horror that you feel at the thought of losing your breast, often your first reaction is a desire to get rid of it.

While this is a perfectly understandable emotional response, it's not one you should act on. Getting your breast cut off will not make things go back to normal; your life has been changed and it will never be the same again. You need time to let this sink in, to face the implications cancer has for you and to make a rational, informed decision about what treatment will be best for you both physically and emotionally.

Today there's much more emphasis on doctor and patient sharing the decision making process and there are more options to choose from. There's also a lot more knowledge available - there are manuscripts about breast cancer and its survival rates in both the medical and the popular press and on the internet.

So if the first stage is shock, the second is investigating your options. It is very important to reflect seriously on what the possibility of losing a breast would mean to you. Its importance varies from woman to woman, but there is no woman for whom it doesn't have some significance. Although many women will say, "I don't care about my breast", deep down this is probably not true for most of us. A mastectomy may be the best choice for you, but it will still have a powerful effect on how you feel about yourself. For many women, the loss of a breast can mean feelings of inadequacy.

Several studies have been done comparing conservative surgery and mastectomy with or without immediate breast reconstruction, looking for differences in psychological adjustment. Interesting enough, the important factor often appears to be the match between the woman and her treatment. That is, the way she feels about her body, about surgery, about radiotherapy, about having a part in the decision making process of her treatment and about a multitude of factors affects how she reacts to this new and enormous stress.

Along with the fears and stages of recovery, there are also a number of related issues that come up for people with cancer. One of these is the tendency to feel quilt for having cancer - a sense that you've somehow done something wrong. People have a tendency to blame themselves for being ill anyway and a woman will often feel she's betrayed her function as a caregiver by getting breast cancer.

For many women breast cancer never returns and they begin gradually to rebuild their lives. But sometimes, cancer does return. The emotional issues of breast cancer recurrence are so profound and complex that, if you do have a reappearance of the cancer, you may need the help of a mental health professional.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Breast Cancer

1 X 6 Covered Roof Overhang

Head Lice Treatment and Removal

Head lice treatment or head lice removal, whatever one may call it, the process usually involves three basic methods. They are

Mechanical removal of lice and nits
The use of pesticide-based head lice solutions
Natural treatments.

The most sure fire head lice treatment involves shaving off the hair or at least cutting off the hair to say, around an inch and a half. However this head live treatment method is needless to say not very practical and is not always possible.

Since the problem mostly affects younger girls who may take an instant aversion to shaving the head, cutting it off to smaller length may offer a mid-way solution. While the reason behind shaving off the head is quite obvious as no lice can ever harbor a shaven head, shorter hair also helps remove the lice since it results in creating an insufficient ambient temperature where the lice can not live or multiply.

Mechanical removal of head lice entail the use of a fine-tooth metal comb that can easily pick out the lice when used firmly on the head. The operation should start from the hair root and then gradually reach the hair end. Plastic combs can also serve the purpose to some extent but the spacing between the plastic teeth usually spreads out after a couple of uses. A used toothbrush kept aside may come to use during the cleaning of the comb. Wet combing of the hair gives a better result if the following technique is followed.

Hair should first be combed with any ordinary comb to get rid of knots and tangles.
In order to facilitate easier running of the fine-toothed comb within the hair, it may be soaked with some conditioner or a slight amount of olive oil.
Now the fine-toothed comb may be pulled from the hair root to the hair ends, applying the process all over the head.
The combing operation may be repeated every two or three days till no lice or nit are found appearing on the comb, though some pharmaceutical societies recommend treating with comb and conditioner for ten consecutive days.

Use of Pesticide based head lice solutions is fairly common among the younger generation for the ease in their use. However they come with their own side effects. So with an increase in awareness on the subject these days more and more people are stopping this line of head lice treatment and are looking for alternatives.

Natural Treatments consist of ingredients that are grown or produced naturally by plant or floral components or are from herbal origins such as Tree Oil, Anise or Ylang ylang oils. There are other natural essential oils as well that work wonderfully well in head lice treatment. However, toxic side effects or allergic problems are not always ruled out in the case of using natural treatment procedures. And so while natural remedies are great, the right head lice treatment product needs to be picked carefully.

Jen Carter is team member and writes regularily about head lice treatment, head lice information and other common conditions for

1 X 6 Covered Roof Overhang

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Feng Shui Tips For Your Home Office

Did you know that over 50% of women now run their own home business or work from home? Get your compass out and find the following directions because we are going to try and make things run a little smoother for you using the ancient art of object placement - Feng Shui.

The most ideal locations to situate a home office, in order of best to second, third ad fourth best are the North (the Career Sector), the Southwest (the Wealth sector), the Northeast (Skills and Talents sector) or the South (the fame and recognition sector.) If possible try to locate your home office in one of those locations.

Here are some other general tips that are thought to bring prosperity to your business.

Always sit with a solid wall behind your back to ensure that you have support in your life. Never sit with a window behind you.

In the office always place the fax machine, telephone, and computers in the southeast wealth sector, as this will attract more contacts.

Position your desk to have a clear view of the door. If this isn't possible, hang a small mirror so you can easily view the door's reflection.

Don't put a shelf over your desk. This symbolizes burdens the world crashing down on you at any moment. The heavy shelf also symbolizes burdens and difficulties.

Avoid having sharp accessories, such as a paper cutter blade or the corner of a Xerox machine pointed at your desk. It is shar chi that symbolizes the cutting knife-edge or a disapproving finger pointing at you.

Make sure that you can walk completely around your desk in a full circle. This makes sure colleagues or workload does not cramp you. You should have space to breathe!

Do not have clutter in your office. Desktops must be kept tidy and clutter free. Avoid placing In and Out trays on your desk. Try to keep what is in use on your desktop.

If you own a NCR or cash till try and place that in your southeastern wealth corner as well.

Avoid placing cactuses in your office as the needles of these plants are thought to create negative shar chi. Shar or sha chi is stagnant or harmful energy.

In your office, never have the main door opening into your desk as this causes you to be faced with unexpected situations to deal with. Never have a door jamming against your desk, or your prosperity will always be blocked.

Do not place your desk in a room so that it is between two doors because this causes chi to rush by and pass you by along with all of your good fortune. In other words the good energy walks in one door, right past you and out the back door!

Never set your desk at the top of a staircase as chi will roll down the stairs and cause you loss of opportunity and wealth. If this is unavoidable, place a mirror above the front door looking in and facing the staircase.

If people entering your business immediately face a wall and a long corridor try placing a hanging crystal in this area to allow good chi to accumulate. Also place mirrors here to direct the chi into your office.

Do not place large electric equipment, such as photocopy machine or microwave near to the main door. These are considered to be "hot" items that cause energy to dissipate. Heat causes the dispersal of good chi.

Do not place paper cutter or fax machines or any machine with a blade next to the front door. The "cutting" energy can cause staff and customers to be unpleasant and even possibly to back stab and fight each with other.

Do not place an empty vase next to the main door, as empty vessels suck good chi trying to enter your place of business. If you have a vase make sure it is full of flowers!

If you have candles in your office, light the wicks to make sure they are burnt, even if you don't plan to light the candle. An unlit candle is bad feng shui as it represents the limitations of possibility.

Place a fish tank or fishpond in the southwestern corner of your office. If this is not possible consider building a Koi pond in the southwestern sector outside your building.

To enhance your wealth and prosperity, position your indoor water feature in the southeast element of your home or office. For career luck, place it in the north. A tabletop fountain made of bamboo or flat round stones is always good for this purpose.

If you have a company signboard or logo it should be optimally placed in the southeastern area, the Southern area or the northern area of your home office.

May wind and water shower you with many blessings!


Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click here You can meet Samantha Stevens at where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at

Rancho Santa Fe Remodeling
Valley Center Remodeling

Does Growing Your MLM Business Feel Like Pushing an Elephant Up the Stairs?

You listen to all of the conference calls. You hear all of the pep talking from your upline. You have contacted all of your friends, family, and colleagues. But either nobody or just a few have joined your business.

Are you tired of calling generic leads, or at least tired of your upline telling you to call leads?

Are you getting frustrated and ready to quit? Will you become a statistic, i.e., part of the 75% that quit within 3 to 4 months, or the 95% that quit within one year?

Does trying to get people to join your business feel like pushing an elephant up the stairs?

If this is you, then develop your Network Marketing Tools that will explode your business. Here are just some of the tools you should have:

1. Article Marketing

2. Article Advertising

3. Newsletter Marketing

4. Pay Per Click Advertising

5. Blogging

It is extremely important to understand that the 95% that fail is your target market. Learn how to get the leads to call you instead of you calling them. If you show them how to grow their business, and teach them to develop the skills needed, they will follow you.

The successful activities in Network Marketing are the ones that are duplicable. To ask a new Network Marketer to buy $500 of leads per month is not duplicable, and not feasible. Your downline will quit on you if this is your teaching method.

Get help in your MLM business by taking proper action, and avoid you and your downline from becoming a statistic.

For more information on building your mlm skills, go to MLM Toolbox

If you desire more information on my mlm company, try Right Business Now

Jacob's blog can be viewed at

Choosing Using Drywall
Drywall Screwdriver

Office Workers and Warm, Breezy Weather

Warmer weather has arrived. April showers have brought May flowers. Now its time to get out and enjoy that fresh air!

Office workers spend the majority of their days inside, toiling in their little cubicles. Many of these workers arent even near a window. Have any of you been surprised, upon leaving work at 5:00, to see that it rained sometime that afternoon?

These same office workers are seated, day in and day out, in their sedentary jobs. Its easy to experience burnout that way, especially when deprived of Vitamin D. Whats one natural way we get Vitamin D? Sunlight. But how, you may ask, do we ever get to see the sun when were chained to our desks? How can we avoid burnout and depression?

The answer to those questions is easy. We must take advantage of lunchtime and get outside.

Pack a lunch, and leave the building at the noon hour. Find a grassy area or a bench at a park and enjoy your mini-picnic. Downtown areas have benches near fountains or works of art for enjoyable focal points. Feel the sun caressing your face, the breeze ruffling your hair. Pull out your book and read a few chapters. Escape for a brief while!

Wear your sneakers during lunch and walk. A bit of exercise does wonders for our moods. When returning, take the stairs instead of the elevator to raise your heart rate. Youll arrive back at your desk refreshed, rather than dulled and sleepy, and ready to tackle the afternoons work. You will actually be more productive having left for awhile, than if you had skipped lunch and worked through the break.

Here is one last suggestion for your lunch stroll. Add to it a pit stop at the florist shop. The bouquet you bring back will brighten your cubicle and delight your senses. Its a small way of bringing a little of the outdoors back with youuntil your next escape.

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Laura McDonald is an experienced paralegal. She is employed by Michael L. Hawkins & Associates, P.L.L.C. in Frankfort, Kentucky. The firm's website is . Laura manages ParaLegalSecretary.Com, a site dedicated to legal assistants. She invites you to check it out at: ParaLegalSecretary.Com.

Removed Garage Door And Installed
Right Hand Swing Colonial Door

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Nanotechnology $1 Trillion Revenue

Nanotechnology revenues are estimated to reach $1 Trillion worldwide by 2015. It is often considered as a new revolution, as was the industrial revolution, because nanotechnology manipulates matter at the atomic scale to create new applications in materials, medicine, robotics, electronics and energy.

But what really is Nanotechnology? It's a field of applied science and technology which gives us the ability to build up things starting from the scale of an individual atom. This means the ability to manipulate materials so tiny that nothing can be built any smaller. Twenty year ago you could not have imagined the entire Encyclopedia being stored in a single memory stick, and today, can you imagine the same stored in a chip the size of a dust particle? When you divide one metre by one billion you get one nano. If you split bacteria into 200 equal parts, then one part equals one nanometre. This is the atom scale of the nanotechnology. When things are built at such a scale you get precision, strength, unique colours and a feel of creation rather than built. The idea was started in 1959 by a physicist Richard Feynman at American Physical Society meeting at Caltech.

There is still a long way to go to handle materials on a nano scale. Many scientists believe that within the next twenty year we will achieve a lot in this field. During that time we will have to establish techniques to move single atoms using nano robots machines operating at nanoscale and build large-scale structures. Like the invention of the wheel, there will be nano gears, bearings, motors, nano compiler, and nano multipliers and so on and so forth. About twenty years ago, IBM were able to position 35 xenon atoms on the surface of a nickel crystal using atomic force microscopy instrument which spelled out the word IBM. Since then, modern use has been in the manufacture of polymers based on molecular structure and design of surface science computer chip layouts. Commercially, nanotechnology is being applied in bulk nano-particles in manufacture of stain resistant clothing, protective coatings, suntan lotions, disinfectants, fuel catalysts and cosmetics.

As we stand now, nanotechnology is the new frontier and its potential impact is compelling. Huge amounts of funding are being spent by governments towards nanotechnology research and development. Like before, the main beneficially of such funding is Defence. New nanotech weapons and lightweight bullet-proof nanotech clothing are soon coming up. Once through with military superiority, then it will be released proper to the private sector. Here, there will be better uses that will include provision of clean water, greater agricultural production, cheap energy, clean environment, better diagnostics, drugs and organs replacements, greater information processing and storage, and reduced labour. When that time comes, you will be able to replace your car with an inexpensive nanotech car. A nanotech car will look like a creation of God or that has come from outer space.

With all the sweet promises that Nanotechnology has, including the potential to have positive effects on the environment, environmental and health risks will be the biggest challenges. These nana particles have very great surface area to volume ratio, and therefore toxic due to their high chemical reactivity and biological activity -- they can easily penetrate human skins and get entry to organs and tissues such as the kidneys, brain, spleen, heart, liver, and nervous system. And that coupled with the fact that these nanomaterials has a huge potential to cause DNA mutation, then, it is just a matter of time before opposing groups find the right opportunity to strike in saying no to the entire nanotechnology. And to the shrewd businessman and woman, you can only gamble in being ahead of everyone else in opportunities that are promising heaven.

The Author's website The Secret of Making Money in the Stock Market is designed to help beginners and average traders make money in the Stock Market.

White 2 X 2 Stair Handrailing

Meteor Showers - Nature's Celestial Show

A falling star is one of natures true spectacles. For a few brief seconds these darting flares that burn across the night time sky will easily out-dazzle their celestial competition. We may call them stars but theyre not really. Theyre actually meteors and on almost any night, if youre diligent, you can spot a few of them every hour. On occasion though, and at quite predictable times, clusters of them known as meteor showers can produce tens, hundreds, or even thousands of blazing trails across the heavens.

But what causes these awe-inspiring displays? Simply put, meteor showers result when the earths orbit intersects the trail of a comet. Comets, which are effectively large dirty balls of ice, slash through our solar system on predictable trajectories. When their travels take them near the Sun, part of the comets ice is melted which releases bits of solid debris. These small pieces of the comet are scattered along its path and when the Earth later passes through the comets trail, the show is on.

The fireworks youll eventually see in the sky are the result of meteors that blaze through the Earths atmosphere at thousands of miles per hour, ignited by friction. Many of the meteors are the size of a grain of sand and are easily burnt up but, even at their tiny size, put on a spectacular display before disintegrating. Scientists estimate that as many as 4 billion meteors fall through the earths atmosphere each day. If large enough when they enter the atmosphere, a few rare survivors called meteorites will eventually impact the ground.

Since astronomers know the paths of various comets that visit our solar system, its relatively easy for them to know when and where meteor showers will occur. Scientists divide the sky into 88 segments know as constellations. Meteor showers are named based on the constellation found at that point in the sky where the shower seems to originate.

The next big meteor shower, which will no doubt have stargazers sitting up and taking notice, is called the Perseid, which has its peak activity on August 12th. Named after the Perseus constellation of stars, it very dependably begins each year on August 10th and typically lasts about 5 days. Its expected to deliver between 50 and 100 meteors per hour. The Perseid constellation rises from the northeast just after 11PM in mid August, but you dont really need to locate the constellation to enjoy the show. Although the meteors will appear to originate in the Perseid constellation, they will be visible all across the sky. With the new moon (no visible moon) forecast, viewing conditions should be especially good.

Here are some tips for making the most of this upcoming celestial spectacle. Find a good location away from city lights. It would be best to make it a secluded spot where your night vision wont be affected by car headlights and other glaring light sources. Give yourself a good 10 minutes for your eyes to fully adjust to the darkness. Lay back on a blanket, lounge chair, or other comfortable surface with the horizon just at the edge of your vision and the stars filling your central field of view. Now relax and enjoy one of natures great shows.

1 X 6 Covered Roof Overhang

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Best Mass Building Bicep Exercise

Almost every day without fail someone sends me an email asking about bicep exercises.

The song is always the same "how can I make my biceps bigger?"

Then the guy will go on to tell me that he's doing twenty sets of concentration curls, followed by twenty sets of dumbbell curls and a few more light sets to really get the pump.

That's what most guys do. And most guys will never stretch the tape measure beyond 16 inches.

So today, I'm going to give you some tips that you can use to build sleeve-stretching biceps.

Tip #1: Stop Torturing Your Biceps

Your biceps are a relatively small muscle group. They are no where near as large as the muscles in your legs, back and chest.

So why would you expect your biceps to be able to recover from the exact same workload that you inflict on larger muscle groups? It doesn't make any sense.

Because the biceps are a smaller muscle group, you need to work them hard and brief and then let them recover. I recommend no more than three training sets for your biceps.

Tip #2: You Must Pick The Right Exercises

I don't know why but people seem to love the concentration curl. Yet it's one of the least effective bicep exercises. Why? Because this exercise severely limits the amount of weight you can use.

The most effective mass building exercises are the ones that allow you to safely move the most weight. That's why squats are a better mass-builder than leg extensions.

So when choosing bicep exercises remember that you should be looking for exercises that will allow you to safely move the most weight.

With that in mind, here are my top four bicep exercises.

Best Bicep Exercise #1: Weighted Chin-up

This is the grand-daddy of bicep exercises. And for good reason. This exercise allows you to use the most weight. Plus, this exercise recruits extra muscle fibers because it involves moving your entire body instead of just moving your hands.

Do perform a weighted chin-up, place your hands on the chin-up bar relatively close to each other. Your palms should be facing you. Then simply pull your body up. When you can do ten reps or more, it's time to get a belt and start strapping some weight to your waist.

And when you're knocking out chin-ups with 90lbs around your waist your biceps will be just about as big as they can get.

Best Bicep Exercise #2: Friction Barbell Curl

Not many people know about this exercise but it's one of my personal favorites. It's performed just like a typical bicep curl grab a barbell and curl it. But on the way down, I want you to drag the bar down the front of your shirt. This will force your elbows back and make the negative portion of the exercise a little more efficient.

Best Bicep Exercise #3: Cable Curl

I don't do this exercise too often but I will rotate this exercise into my routine when I stop making progress with the other exercises.

Attach a straight bar handle to a low pulley machine and simply curl the bar. To make the exercises more difficult, bend slightly forward at the waist through the entire movement.

Best Bicep Exercise #4: Preacher Curl

This is another favorite of mine. It doesn't need much explanation. You must have a specialized preacher bench to perform this exercise. Simply sit at the preacher bench, drape your arms over the padding and curl the bar. I prefer an EZ-curl bar for this exercise. Also, I prefer to keep the rep count higher on this exercise as I personally see better results with higher reps.

If you haven't been able to make your biceps grow, give these exercises a try. Remember, the most important thing is to consistently get stronger. If you start out curling 100lbs and can add just two pounds to the bar every week, you'll be curling 200lbs in less than one year. And you'd better believe your biceps will be huge when you make that kind of jump.

Matt Marshall is the author of The Biceps Report. To grab your free copy of the Biceps Report, visit,

1 X 6 Covered Roof Overhang

Head Lice Treatment and Removal

Head lice treatment or head lice removal, whatever one may call it, the process usually involves three basic methods. They are

Mechanical removal of lice and nits
The use of pesticide-based head lice solutions
Natural treatments.

The most sure fire head lice treatment involves shaving off the hair or at least cutting off the hair to say, around an inch and a half. However this head live treatment method is needless to say not very practical and is not always possible.

Since the problem mostly affects younger girls who may take an instant aversion to shaving the head, cutting it off to smaller length may offer a mid-way solution. While the reason behind shaving off the head is quite obvious as no lice can ever harbor a shaven head, shorter hair also helps remove the lice since it results in creating an insufficient ambient temperature where the lice can not live or multiply.

Mechanical removal of head lice entail the use of a fine-tooth metal comb that can easily pick out the lice when used firmly on the head. The operation should start from the hair root and then gradually reach the hair end. Plastic combs can also serve the purpose to some extent but the spacing between the plastic teeth usually spreads out after a couple of uses. A used toothbrush kept aside may come to use during the cleaning of the comb. Wet combing of the hair gives a better result if the following technique is followed.

Hair should first be combed with any ordinary comb to get rid of knots and tangles.
In order to facilitate easier running of the fine-toothed comb within the hair, it may be soaked with some conditioner or a slight amount of olive oil.
Now the fine-toothed comb may be pulled from the hair root to the hair ends, applying the process all over the head.
The combing operation may be repeated every two or three days till no lice or nit are found appearing on the comb, though some pharmaceutical societies recommend treating with comb and conditioner for ten consecutive days.

Use of Pesticide based head lice solutions is fairly common among the younger generation for the ease in their use. However they come with their own side effects. So with an increase in awareness on the subject these days more and more people are stopping this line of head lice treatment and are looking for alternatives.

Natural Treatments consist of ingredients that are grown or produced naturally by plant or floral components or are from herbal origins such as Tree Oil, Anise or Ylang ylang oils. There are other natural essential oils as well that work wonderfully well in head lice treatment. However, toxic side effects or allergic problems are not always ruled out in the case of using natural treatment procedures. And so while natural remedies are great, the right head lice treatment product needs to be picked carefully.

Jen Carter is team member and writes regularily about head lice treatment, head lice information and other common conditions for

Antique Store Front - Home Journal: Home How-To Central

Informative articles on automotive technology, car parts, do it yourself repair, and used cars.

In 1860, Auguste Mouchout, concerned about the uses and limitations of coal, endeavored to create a device that used the energy of the sun for the energy needs of humankind. But it wasnt until the 1980s that solar power became a serious contender as an alternative to traditional energy sources. At the same time in the 1860s, Etienne Lenoir invented the first successful internal combustion engine. Interestingly, the engine was not powered by gasoline but by the less toxic illumination gas (hydrogen, methane and ethylene). About a decade later, gasoline was used to fuel the I.C.E. Now over a century later, most prominently in the 1990s, environmentally conscious inventors have made the effort to develop effective, alternatively fueled automobiles. As we begin the 21st century, alternative green building is becoming the topic of discussion for consumers, inventors, and builders who, conscious of our responsibility to future generations, venture to use our resources responsibly.

Green Building Defined

Green building is an alternative approach to building construction and remodeling by using fewer raw materials and reducing unnecessary waste while, at the same time, managing to construct energy efficient and durable buildings. The term green is used so often that it is difficult to determine what may be considered green. The criterion that follows will attempt to clarify this ambiguous term.

# 1 Considering the material

The most pressing questions when one determines whether a construction is green or not: Can the material be recycled? Can it be reused? Is the material biodegradable?

--Recycled materials are materials that are collected and reused in a different form. (e.g., a coke can into another manufactured product --A material is considered reusable when it is salvaged and reused in its original form. Reusable materials cut costs and reduce unnecessary use of other materials. --A biodegradable material is a material that can break down organically back into the earth without any toxins and/or waste materials.

#2 Is it environmentally friendly?

Simply stated, a dwelling is environmentally friendly if it is constructed and maintained in such a way that it does not harm the essential stabilization of life upon the earth. Quite often, an environmentally friendly dwelling replaces traditional approaches to construction that cause harm to the environment. A few questions one can ask to determine how green a building is are: Which and how much raw materials are used? What sorts of toxins or pollutions are eliminated by choosing this green material? Is the construction process detrimental to the health of the builders and/or the future occupants?

#3 What types of material have a direct negative effect on the environment?

If one decides to build green, one must eliminate destructive materials used during or left after the construction of the dwelling. Here are a few questions one must consider:

--. What is the LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) of the building material? To determine the LCA of a dwelling one can use this Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability software
-- Which materials damage the environment and in what way are such materials detrimental? Materials to be avoided include, but are not limited to: persistent organic pollutants (POPs), persistent bioaccumulative toxics (PBTs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs)

The ramifications of irresponsible use of our natural resources may be incalculably disadvantageous to the future of life upon this planet. Instead of knowledge and technology, convenience and simplicity may be our greatest enemy. Moreover, in a world where the use of resources create political instability, it is an understanding of our weaknesses rather then the application of our strengths that may prove beneficial.

Mark Fagiano is the president of Arete Apprenticeship. His latest project is the creation of an information based real estate website. If you wish to write an article demonstrating your real estate expertise in exchange for free advertisement for your business you can contact him at

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Ceramic Disc Taps

Taps drip. It's inevitable, like death and taxes. Traditional taps seal using a rubber ring screwed down over the end of a metal pipe. Sooner or later the rubber is going to go hard, split or just wear away and it will no longer seal. Then water seeps through, and the tap starts dripping. Left alone the problem gets worse as the water wears away the valve seat. Then you'll have to either re-grind the valve seat(Do you own a valve seat re-grinder? Who would?) or replace the tap. Tedious in either case. But, it need not happen. Many taps now use ceramic discs.

Method of Operation
Instead of creating a seal by forcing a rubber washer onto the end of the water feed pipe, they use two ceramic discs each with matching slots in them. These are held over the end of the water feed pipe. The lower disc doesn't move while the upper disc is turned over the lower disc by the tap head. Water will only flow when the upper and lower slots match up.

There are a number of benefits to this arrangement. The most obvious is that ceramic discs are much harder than rubber and much more resistant to erosion by water seepage. Hence they have a much longer life before needing replacement. Additionally, because the water flows between the two discs, the discs erode not the metal of the valve. Also, because of the way the discs are arranged, the taps go fully on with only one quarter of a turn and tap needs only light pressure to operate. This light action has the advantage that they are easy to operate with the back of the hand if your hands are dirty and for people with restricted movement.

Where they are Used
The ease of operation and the long life mean that most good quality sink mixer taps have been made using ceramic discs for a while, but basin taps with ceramic discs are surprisingly less common. The more use a tap gets, the more attractive the use of ceramic disc technology becomes. This is doubly true in hard water areas, which can be murder on traditional taps.

Everything has it's downside, and there are cons to ceramic disc taps. They do eventually wear out and are more expensive than old style taps and are not suitable for very low water pressure. Unusually, many of the manufacturers seem to use standard sizes, so getting a replacement is often straightforward. Because taps on basins can be either handed or not not, one can't always be sure which way to turn each tap on, this can be annoying! Lastly, unlike traditional style taps, which take a number of turns to be on full, you may easily turn the water flow on far more than meant. The unexpectedly vigorous water flow and splashing can cause water going everywhere, including over your clothes. Not Good!

Bob Plum is the owner of BuyPlumbing co uk Ltd. If you live in Britain then the link gives you access to a wide range of competitively priced bathroom goods and plumbing fittings.

1 X 6 Covered Roof Overhang

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Divorce Support - Recovering Your Personal Identity During Life Transitions

The only things certain in life are death and taxes, as the saying goes. For everything else, change is constant. And unfortunately, a life transition like a divorce can leave you reeling. Not only have you lost the person you loved the most and the family you made together, but you've also lost the identity you've built up during the marriage, whether it lasted one year or 20.

You're no longer "Bob's wife" or "Laura's husband." You're the ex, the only single person amongst married couples. If you're like many people, you may have defined yourself in conjunction with your marriage, and now that that's gone, that identity is lost as well.

That isn't true. You were a whole person before you married, and that didn't change just because you tied the knot. Right now you might be hard-pressed to identify anything positive about this life transition. But just like a phoenix rises from its own ashes to new life, time and again, so too can you rise from the ashes of a divorce as a new person.

Divorce Support: Take the time to mourn

Any time there's a major life transition, be it death, divorce or even a career, it's perfectly normal and even healthy to mourn what you have lost. It was an important part of your life, and you will miss it. Mourn however you need to. Cry whenever you feel like it. Talk to your supportive friends and family. Go for long walks.

But remember: you can't stay in a state of mourning forever. Acknowledge your past life, and even remember it fondly, but at some point you do need to move on.

Divorce Support: Accepting change

Right after your divorce, you may have noticed that no matter how much you wished it wouldn't, the sun still rose every morning. The world didn't stop just because your life turned upside down. You have to accept that change and move on with your new identity. You have to leave the past behind and move on.

Even though you're probably feeling adrift in the sea of a major life transition, know that feeling won't last forever. Like all things, it will come to an end.

Divorce Support: Look to yourself

You may have spent so much time defining yourself by your marriage that you forgot what mattered to you as a person. Now take the time to look at yourself, and consider your old interests, and maybe even discover new ones. What do you like to do? What have you always wanted to try? Take this opportunity to step out a little bit at a time. You may be surprised about what you find during this life transition.

One woman never had a bank account or managed household finances for the entirety of her 18-year marriage. Four years after her divorce, she was running a thriving business. Another man, after trying to commit suicide when his marriage was falling apart, later teamed up with a good friend to start a charity to provide divorce support to others going through major life transitions.

Have you wanted to learn to ski? How about learning cooking or sign language? Maybe you've wanted to travel to Peru and see Macchu Picchu. If there's something you really want to try, now is the time to do it.

Divorce Support: Moving to new relationships

Now that you've been through a divorce, you'll see all relationships in a new light. Look back at your marriage and see what went right and what went wrong. If you and your spouse had communication problems, then you'll know to look for people who are good at expressing themselves.

Don't feel like you have to rush into another serious, committed relationship. Some people move on faster than others, and this is a major life transition you are dealing with. If you're just looking for a relationship because you're lonely or miss intimacy, wait. Take this time to rebuild yourself, so if or when you are ready for a new relationship, you'll have a whole person to offer to your significant other.

Divorce Support: Know yourself

In her article "Discovering Your Single Identity," Christina Basciano wrote, "The key to transforming pain into self-knowledge is to learn to accept that the purpose of life was not generated by the partnership but that the partnership played a role in life's purpose."

Don't view your divorce as a failure, but as the closing of a chapter in your life. Now the page has turned, and it's up to you to write the next words.

Dave Webster & Tolu Adeleye are partners of Contemporary Lifestyle Consulting Inc. and the co-authors of "Stay Sane Through Change: How To Rise Above The Challenges Of Life's Complex Transitions." Don't spend another minute floundering in stasis. Visit today to get a 10 percent discount on the audio book.

White 2 X 2 Stair Handrailing

Coping with Breast Cancer

How does an average woman react to the terrifying diagnosis of breast cancer? Many women go through several psychological steps in learning how to deal with breast cancer.

First, there is shock. Particularly when you're relatively young and have never had a life-threatening illness before; it's hard to believe you have something as serious as cancer. It's all the more difficult to believe because, in most cases, your body hasn't given you any warning at all. Unlike, for example, appendicitis or a heart attack, there's no pain or fever or nausea - no symptom that tells you something is going wrong inside. You or your doctor have found this painless little lump, or your routine mammogram shows something peculiar - and the next thing you know, your doctor is telling you you've got breast cancer. Many women say this is the worst part of the journey. The initial shock can leave you feeling confused and not sure how to proceed. Along with the shock, there's a feeling of anger at your body, which has betrayed you in such an underhanded fashion. In spite of the horror that you feel at the thought of losing your breast, often your first reaction is a desire to get rid of it.

While this is a perfectly understandable emotional response, it's not one you should act on. Getting your breast cut off will not make things go back to normal; your life has been changed and it will never be the same again. You need time to let this sink in, to face the implications cancer has for you and to make a rational, informed decision about what treatment will be best for you both physically and emotionally.

Today there's much more emphasis on doctor and patient sharing the decision making process and there are more options to choose from. There's also a lot more knowledge available - there are manuscripts about breast cancer and its survival rates in both the medical and the popular press and on the internet.

So if the first stage is shock, the second is investigating your options. It is very important to reflect seriously on what the possibility of losing a breast would mean to you. Its importance varies from woman to woman, but there is no woman for whom it doesn't have some significance. Although many women will say, "I don't care about my breast", deep down this is probably not true for most of us. A mastectomy may be the best choice for you, but it will still have a powerful effect on how you feel about yourself. For many women, the loss of a breast can mean feelings of inadequacy.

Several studies have been done comparing conservative surgery and mastectomy with or without immediate breast reconstruction, looking for differences in psychological adjustment. Interesting enough, the important factor often appears to be the match between the woman and her treatment. That is, the way she feels about her body, about surgery, about radiotherapy, about having a part in the decision making process of her treatment and about a multitude of factors affects how she reacts to this new and enormous stress.

Along with the fears and stages of recovery, there are also a number of related issues that come up for people with cancer. One of these is the tendency to feel quilt for having cancer - a sense that you've somehow done something wrong. People have a tendency to blame themselves for being ill anyway and a woman will often feel she's betrayed her function as a caregiver by getting breast cancer.

For many women breast cancer never returns and they begin gradually to rebuild their lives. But sometimes, cancer does return. The emotional issues of breast cancer recurrence are so profound and complex that, if you do have a reappearance of the cancer, you may need the help of a mental health professional.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Breast Cancer

1 X 6 Covered Roof Overhang

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Koa Wood - A Popular Material In Today's Hawaiian Jewelry

Koa wood is recognized as one of the finest textured woods in the world and is prized for its rich colors and beautiful patterns. Koa is part of the Acacia family of trees and is the most valued native tree. The Koa is endemic to Hawaii exists naturally no where else in the world, they can be found on the islands of Hawaii, Maui, and Oahu. The best Koa can be found specifically on higher elevations of the Big Island and take 50 to 70 years to mature.

Koa is the Hawaiian word for warrior and courage. In ancient Hawaii, Koa wood was harvested exclusively for the Alii class (royalty) and others of high social status. Its trunk was used to build sea-faring canoes, sculpted images of god, and personal containers. The reddish wood has maintained its popularity in the local culture and is highly prized for use in wood carvings, musical instruments, and furniture. Koa, a tonewood, is often used in the construction of the ukulele and the weissenborn-style Hawaiian steel guitar.

Koa is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful tropical hardwoods. It is a moderately heavy wood; stable, and works well with oils, varnish or lacquer as it takes on an exceptionally rich, deeply reflective glow. Koa was known as the Hawaiian Mahogany and used extensively by the upper class and government buildings for furniture, staircases, and other woodworks. The state of Hawaii has issued restrictions on the harvesting of these trees as reforestation projects continue to be implemented. Although supply is limited, koa is even more desirable in Hawaii for upscale furniture, ukulele, and woodworks. This beautiful wood has also gained popularity in jewelry as the deep rich color and glow matches perfectly with pearls, silver, and many other materials. Next time when you purchase a new piece of jewelry to add to your collections, you should consider adding one that is made up of Hawaii Koa wood.

Carol Mak is the Co-founder and Marketing Director of, an online marketplace that offer huge selections of Hawaiian style jewelry. As a MBA graduate from University of Hawaii, Carol has strong interest in becoming a successful entrepreneur. She has been utilizing her business knowledge in helping the company grow.

For the latest trend of Hawaiian style jewelry, please visit


Deep Seating Wood Furniture - Comfortable Seating for Your Outdoor Space

Want to bring the look, feel, and comfort of your living room outdoors? If you did not think that it was possible, think again because all you have to do is purchase some deep seating wood furniture. It is an ideal choice for any outdoor area, providing you with a highly relaxing destination that is sure to please.

What makes deep seating wood furniture so relaxing is its design. Normally, this type of furniture will feature a large seat, a tilted backrest to match, and will come with armrests that can be regular or oversized. What caps off this design is the fact that seating of this nature is framed and comes with thick, plush cushions that are set on top of that frame, which is what gives it that living room sofa type feel and appearance. These cushions are extremely thick and nicely contour to your body, making it easy to sit back and just relax.

The great thing about deep seated wood furniture is that there are actually quite a few different options to choose from, which is great for you because you can create any kind of space that you want. For example, if you want to create that living room feel, then a nice option would be to get a sofa that seats between two to three people along with a loveseat and maybe a few single chairs. To finish off the space, a coffee table and a few end tables would be the way to go so people have places where they can set down drinks or food. Plus, you could also get an umbrella or even a larger pergola to provide shade during those warmer afternoons. If you want more of an intimate space perfect for just one or two people to relax, then a great choice would be the single chairs and you could pair them up with a nice ottoman for a place to rest your feet. To complete the space, again a nice option would be like an end table along with that umbrella.

One thing to keep in mind when purchasing deep seating wood furniture for your space is to go with something that is made out of higher quality materials that can withstand being out in the elements. For the frame, the best material to go with is teak wood and for the cushions, you want to make sure that they are made out of Sunbrella fabric. Teak is an extremely durable hardwood that is resistant to breaking easily, plus, is equally resilient to the weather while Sunbrella fabric is weather resistant and will not breakdown under all types of weather conditions. Along with how durable they are, these materials are also very pleasing to the eye since teak has a natural golden tone and the Sunbrella fabric is available in different colors and patterns. So, while adding comfort to your space, you can also give it a very personalized look if you want to.

If you just happen to be looking for comfortable seating for your outdoor space, then a great option for you is deep seating wood furniture. Extremely relaxing, appealing to the eye, and durable, it would be a fabulous addition to any deck, porch, or patio area. Get some today, so you can enjoy it tomorrow.

Being a business owner of many indoor and outdoor home decorating sites, Jennifer Akre shares comments and reviews on outdoor patio furniture and invites you to learn more about teak outdoor furniture and teak chairs. Enhance the spirit of your home. Shop today - Click: patio furniture.

Home Remodeiling Ideas

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sunroom Installation

You need to take several things into consideration when you're thinking of a sunroom installation and there are many options to choose from. Maybe the first thing that will come to your mind is the price, but this all depends on how big you want your sunroom to be and what type of material she will be using. For example, if you want an aluminum sunroom and you're just thinking of adding a few windows, then it is going to cost you much less than if you had the entire sunroom constructed out of glass and wood. So there are a few factors that you must consider before you get started.

When building a sunroom you start with the foundation and it is important to build its foundation to the building codes of your local area. These codes will vary depending what kind of climate to live in. If you have a lot of freezing during winter, then it stands to reason that the foundation has to be deeper in the ground and this will mean more expense in labor and materials. But if you have an existing patio then the expense won't be as much.

Of course the major expense in a sunroom is the number of windows that you intend to use and also the type you have in mind. For example, if you are going with fixed windows will be less expense than if you order custom installation. Another cost difference would be in the type of glaze that you choose to put on the windows. This glaze can control sunlight and block out damaging rays but keep in mind the more your windows can do the more expensive it will be. You will find a difference in the materials that you choose and this will affect costs also. The cheapest material is PVC and the next one up the line is aluminum with the most expensive being wooden material.

For lots of information on how to build a sunroom and other sunrooms related topics, visit DIY Home Advice at home remodeling

Residential Fencing

Although there are many different types of residential fencing perhaps aluminum is the most popular. This is a galvanized steel product with a hard wearing powder coat finish. It is designed to add beauty and value to residential homeowners. There are a wide variety of styles and colors to select from and any of them will complement any color that you may have on your home. This type of fence is designed with the residential person in mind and provides a level of quality and resilience that the home owner needs. This fence is made for durability to withstand the elements and it is possible to have a special formulated powder coating made to suit your needs.

This power coated system of polyester resin prevents early rusting. This type of fencing comes in eight-foot sections to cut down on time and labor. The posts that are provided will hold the pickets firmly in place and will adapt to any contour of slopes in your landscape. The panels can be secured to the post without any welding and there are brackets provided. Most of these come with a 12 year warranty.

You can find these available from 4 foot to 6 foot high and there are many different colors to choose from. This fence carries very low-maintenance which can free up your time for other things. Whether you need a picket fence or a privacy fence, this fencing can provide what you need. If you have animals that you want to keep in or animals that you want to keep out, this is the fence that can provide the security for you. With its low maintenance, durability, and appealing look this fence will be a welcome addition to your home. No matter what your needs this fence can provide what you're looking for.

For lots of information on remodeling your home and other related topics, visit Fences Guide at

Planning For An Addition

Monday, May 5, 2008

How Using The Right Ladder Can Make Those Jobs Easier

Ladders come in a variety of styles and heights, and it's important to choose one that meets the needs of the task you're performing. Safety should always come first when using a ladder, so it's necessary to make sure you use the right ladder for the job. For instance, an extension ladder is suitable for reaching those high spots when decorating or cutting tree branches. But trying to reach up too high on a step ladder can be hazardous and lead to accidents. On the other hand, step ladders are ideal for those odd jobs round the house, from changing a light bulb to hanging curtains.

Extension ladders are used for all kinds of outside jobs, from professional window cleaning to painting gable ends of buildings. Aluminum ladders are commonly used, being lightweight and easily portable. However, a fiberglass ladder, although much heavier to move, is safer to use in the vicinity of electrical cables. Well-known manufacturers that sell a range of quality ladders include Werner Ladders and Wing Enterprises.

Inside the home, ladders come in handy in a number of situations. For instance, if you have high book shelves, fitting a rolling library ladder makes it quick and easy for you to reach those top shelves. Library ladders are generally made from wood, and come in a choice of colors and finishes to blend in with your dcor. Another place where a fitted ladder comes in useful is in a loft hatch. An attic access ladder makes it simple for you to utilize that extra storage space in the roof.

Whatever your requirements, from doing DIY in the home or garden, to reaching high shelves, there's a ladder to meet your needs. Choosing the right ladder for the job can help make your task much simpler.

Caroline Smith is a regular contributor to - an online resource offering a range of ladders including attic ladders, the Little Giant Ladder and more.

House Framing

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Take the Heat Off - Remodel Your Arizona Bathroom the Easy Way

When choosing to remodel a bathroom, there are so many decisions to make it is often difficult to know where to begin. An experienced bathroom remodeling company will help guide you through the process.

Still, before you even think about contacting a contractor, its important to have an idea of what you want for your bathroom. Take a look at the basic considerations below to help guide your bathroom remodeling project.

How to Begin Design

  • First, start with the design of your bathroom. Think about the layout of your bathroom and what features you would like to include. Does a wall need to be knocked down for more space? Also, consider whether you are interested in features like heated floors, a whirlpool, towel warmers, or fog free mirrors.
  • Even if the bathroom will have a window, consider an exhaust fan to prevent fogging on mirrors and mildew on walls.
  • When designing a bathroom its important to keep in mind costs, but also keep in mind that you will get back many of the costs if you sell your house.
  • Many quality bathroom floors are done in stone or ceramic tile.
  • Though tile is an excellent product and is the first choice of many homeowners for their bathroom floors, tile can make the floor cold. Solutions include covering the bathroom floor with one or two rugs or using electric floor heating.
  • Also advised, is to begin with warm or neutral colors and work brighter colors in through accent tiles and accessories.
Consider the Plumbing Sinks Many types from which to choose. Here are five of the most popular.
  • Natural stone sinks last a long time and are able to survive everyday use.
  • Gemstone sinks, whose beauty shines through a variety of color options, are also very durable.
  • Stainless steel sinks are easy to clean and fun to look at due to the clear glass that makes you lose depth perception when looking in.
  • Copper sinks require little maintenance and will not turn green with age as many might think with copper. In fact, copper sinks tend to be more sanitary than other sinks because since bacteria will only live a few hours on copper, it is a natural antibacterial product. By contrast, bacteria can live for days on stainless steel. However, some copper imported from Mexico and India is made from recycling which means some of the copper may be made from unknown materials and many products melted down to make recycled copper contain mercury or lead. If you choose a copper sink, be sure to ask what percentage of the sink is copper and what materials make up the rest of the sink.
  • Blown glass sinks are art pieces made from molten glass.
Toilets Four Basic Types
  • Gravity Flush - least expensive, easy to repair and flushes quietly but tends not to flush as well as other types and the tank can sweat.
  • Pressure Assist - often found in public restrooms and more expensive than the Gravity Flush but less expensive than the Vacuum Assist and Power Assist, flushes powerfully and the tank does not sweat. However, this type of toilet is expensive to repair, the flush is loud, and problems are difficult to diagnose.
  • Vacuum Assist - easy to repair, has a strong flush, and has no sweating. It is still does not work as well as Pressure Assist models though.
  • Power Assist - the most expensive type of toilet, uses electricity and flushes quietly. One feature of the Power Assist toilet is that a seat that closes on its own can be added.
  • Other points to consider when buying a new toilet include style, color, size (larger sizes may need extra floor reinforcement), and technology such as flushing automatically or even by remote control.
  • Types of showers include Electric, Mixer, Thermostatic mixer, and Power.
  • There are various benefits and drawbacks to each type of shower. Thermostatic mixer showers, for instance, can sense a dramatic temperature change and many will stop extremely high temperatures from being selected. A benefit of Power showers is their ability to increase the rate of the flow of water from the shower head.
  • All types of showers have specific requirements of what is needed for them to work. Check with an experienced kitchen remodeler to decide on the type of shower best for your home.
Make your Bathroom your Own Vanities
  • Homeowners have many choices when it comes to their bathroom vanities.
  • Vanities can be carved out of wood, white stone, and other materials.
  • Vanity features are where homeowners can really improve the organization and comfort of their bathrooms. Vanities come in all lengths and homeowners can choose from single or double sinks. Many have additional shelves and dividers to help with storage and to make the most of space.
Now that you have taken the time to read about major options for your bathroom, consider a bathroom remodeling company that will get the job done quickly and professionally.

All Around the Home ( is a national home improvement contractor directory. Homeowners can search for quality home improvement contractors by specialty and region such as bathroom remodeling in Pima County and find companies like ShowerPro, where from the initial call to the job well done, services such as bathtub refinishing and bathroom remodeling run smoothly.

Home Remodeling Ideas

Information Prior To Purchasing A Tub

There are certain people who just expect to get a bathtub when they go inside a home improvement store but they do not take into account issues such as factors influencing the purchase and the setting up procedure. However, there are also some people who prefer to know more information before buying the tub and this is a very good idea. You are one of these people and that's the reason why you are reading this article. By doing this you will have more information and it would make it easier for you to get a good tub.

There are five factors, which you have to consider when getting a new bathtub and they are:

- Measurement of the bathroom: You must find out about your bathroom's measurement if you want to buy a good bathtub that will suit your bathroom. Knowing the measurement of the bathroom will assist you in selecting the right tub size for your bathroom.

- Find out the location where you intend to place the tub: After having measured the dimension of the bathroom, you should make a decision regarding that area of the bathroom where you intend to keep your bathtub. There are few individuals who do not have any problem even if the tub occupies most of the bathroom area. On the other hand there are few individuals who would fret over this matter. Your decision will determine the dimension of the bathtub.

- Select from the various bathtub materials: Plastic, concrete, stone, marble and porcelain are some materials that most bathtubs are made from. It's up to you to make a decision regarding which material would be best for your bathroom. Plastic is not as long lasting as porcelain but then again porcelain is more costly. Some materials look elegant but they are expensive too. These materials are concrete, stone and marble and are most appropriate for exterior whirlpool tubs.

- The shade you prefer: Now that you have decided on the material and size of the tub, you have to make a decision regarding its shade. The producers offer bathtubs of a variety of shades of pale yellow, lavender, lime green and ivory but majority of the people prefer white color. The Internet is the best place to shop for your bathtub.

- Make a contrast between different bathtubs: Now that you have already decided on the shade, I would suggest that you call up the stores that sells the type of bathtub that you have in mind. If you don't want to make any calls then simply look for the bathtub in the Internet. Its really much less complicated than finding a good air compressor system for wood working.

These are the five factors, which you should think of while purchasing a bathtub. I would also suggest you to save this article so that you can take a look at it at the time of purchase. For the purpose of buying a sink or toilet, you can also refer to this article.

Concentrating on latest news in air pressure systems, the author is publishing normally for You can see his observations on air compressor systems and different sources for air compressor systems knowledge.


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Famous Skyscrapers

Architectural design has advanced to a phenomenal stage where every modern city would like to boast having one of the tallest buildings. While criteria defining the tallest buildings or skyscrapers differ widely, listed below are the ten most popular architectural marvels of our time.

Empire State Building
A world famous New York City landmark and sky scaper, it rises above the island of Manhattan, about a quarter of a mile into the sky. The observatory is located on the 86th floor, 1050 feet above the ground and offers the most breathtaking and panoramic view of Manhattan and beyond from within a glass enclosed pavilion. Besides the observatory there are several tourist attractions, including, restaurants, shops and banks. It also has a New York SKYRIDE an independently owned and operated simulated helicopter ride and virtual-reality movie theatre. William Lamb, an architect at Shreve, Lamb and Harmon was chosen to design the Empire State Building in 1930

Petronas Towers
Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lampur lay claim to being the tallest twin towers of the 20th century, standing at a height of 1483 feet. They were designed by architect Cesar Pelli and completed in 1998. The 88-floor towers are constructed largely of reinforced concrete, with a steel and glass facade designed to resemble motifs found in Islamic art, a reflection of Malaysia's Muslim religion. The towers feature a sky-bridge between the towers on the 41st and 42nd floors which is 170m high and 58m long.

Sears Tower
Architect Bruce Graham designed the Sears Tower of Chicago in 1974. At 1450 feet, and 110 stories, it is the tallest building in the United States of America. The construction system consists of steel fram with bronze tinted glass curtain wall. The Sears Tower Skydeck observation deck and tourist attraction is on the 103rd floor, 1353 feet above the ground.

Bank of China Tower
Located in Honk Kong, in addition to being one of the famous skyscrapers in the world, it is one of the most outstanding achievements of modern architecture. The construction was started in 1985 and completed in five years by the architects I. M. Pei & Partners and Sherman Kung & Associates. The building standing at 1205 feet, is a grouping of four triangular glass and aluminium towers of different heights, all emerging from a single granite podium. The changes rising from a square base to a single spire results in a magnificent faade of angles and profiles that reflect the light and seem almost crystalline in composition. On the 42nd floor is a sky-deck providing a panoramic view of the northwest Hong Kong.

Chrysler Building
Rising at 1046 feet, it was considered to be an engineering marvel and the tallest building in 1931. However, it still remains the tallest brick building in the world. The tower is a beautifully tapered stainless steel crown supporting the famous spire at its peak. A quintessence of skyscraper design, the Chrysler Building is a perfect example of Art Deco and has a lobby clad in different marble, onyx and amber.

Taipei 101
At a height of 1671 feet, this high-rise building has surpassed all to become the tallest skyscraper today. Taipei 101 holds the world record in three of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat's height categories: tallest to the structural top, tallest to the roof, and highest occupied floor. The 89th floor has an indoor observation area while the 91st floor has an outdoor observation deck, known as the highest in the world. The pagoda shaped design of this building is inspired by traditional Chinese architecture. The sectioned tower is also symbolic of the bamboo plant characterizing strength, resilience and elegance. The towers design specifications are based on the number 8, considered lucky in the Chinese culture.

Jin Mao Building
This building in Shanghai symbolizes the progress and advancement made by the Chinese. It boasts of being the first tallest sky scrape in the country and the third tallest in the world. A great blend of East-West architecture it denotes aptly the emergence of Shanghai as a modern global city. It follows the versatility model by offering retail at it base, offices above and the Grand Hyatts Worlds highest Hotel occupying the upper 38 floors. The magnificently designed building combines the elements of traditional Chinese architecture and a vastly Gothic influence.

Burj Al Arab
The Burj Al Arab rises to a level of 1053 feet, and is known as one of the worlds tallest structure with a membrane faade, 24-meter wide helipad. This is the tallest operating hotel building in the world and the design is influenced by the profile of an Arabian sailing ship. The Al Muntaha restaurant is located 200 meters above the Persian Gulf offering a panoramic view of Dubai while the atrium is situated at a height of 180 meters.

CN Tower
At a height of 1815 feet, the CN Tower in Toronto is the tallest building and freestanding structure in the world. It is considered to be the signature icon of the city and hosts almost two million visitors a year. The view from the exterior glass floored observation deck located 342 meters above ground is breathtaking as it is exciting. It also has the Space Deck at 447 meters, the worlds tallest observation deck with a 160 km view and the revolving 360 Degree Restaurant.

Hancock Place
A reflective obelisk sky scrape at Boston is an architectural marvel. It is regarded as icily magnificent wherein the surface changes as the day changes, each side reflecting the color of the sky it faces. Moreover, this dramatic effect is highlighted by the parallelogram shape of the prism, which provides uniquely differing reflections on adjoining surfaces.

The architectural buildings mentioned above are famous creations and literally considered architectural works of art today.

William Brister - - All about architecture
