Sunday, August 30, 2009

Tricks For Making a Small Bathroom Look Larger

Do you have a small bathroom? Short of knocking all the walls down to make space, which will create a real home improvement nightmare scenario, there are much simpler solutions. You can use a few clever interior design tricks to making your bathroom seem bigger than it is, and make the most of your space. This will make you bathroom feel like a whole new beautiful space, which is usually the point of most home improvement endeavors.

Tip #1: Get a corner bathtub. If you have a small bathroom with a freestanding bathtub or even standard bathtub that is built into the wall, you are wasting space my friend! Corner bathtubs are designed specifically to fit in the corner of you bathroom, which will save you valuable floor space. To make your bathroom seem bigger, the key is opening up the floor space so that you're not turning around from the sink and finding yourself half in the bathtub. A corner bathtub will take up much less space than that freestanding bathtub, and you'll be amazed at how this one trick can make your bathroom seem bigger.

Tip #2: Get a corner bathroom vanity. If you can't fit a corner bathtub in or that doesn't work for your floor design, there are bathroom vanities designed to fit specifically in corners. A vanity can take up a lot of room if it's placed right in the middle of your bathroom, and if you get one designed for the corner, it will open up some very valuable wall and floor space. You can use this space for other things or keep it open, and your bathroom will feel so much larger!

Tip#3: Keep things organized and out of sight. If you have a small bathroom, a common problem you probably have is that it is cluttered with toiletries and necessities, because you simply have no place to put them. If you open up your floor and wall space with a corner tub or vanity, you can utilize this extra space with a nice slim linen cabinet. This linen cabinet will give you a lot of storage space to put everything away, so you can clear your countertop, floors and any other cluttered stacking you have going on in there. Nothing makes a room look smaller than clutter and stuff all over the place, so one of the best ways to make your bathroom look bigger is to keep it clean and tidy, and have somewhere to tuck all your necessities away out of sight.

If you would like more information on corner bathtubs or freestanding bathtubs, please visit the Simply Bathtubs website.

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